Comune di Molfetta Puglia Promozione Viaggiare in Puglia Puglia Events

Whatever time of year you decide to visit these places, comfortable shoes are a must! It is very easy to reach the first destination of this itinerary: the road indications are very effective and, if you should get lost, all the people from Molfetta know where Pulo is.
The site is located a few kilometers away from the town. It’s immersed in the green countryside.
It is the ideal destination to get away from city life to relax in the midst of the chirping sparrows and birds who settled in this perfect habitat. It will not be difficult to come across the mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians that inhabit and liven this place up with their varied and curious verses whether at night or during the day.
The Pulo of Molfetta looks like a large depression in the ground.
By going down the access road, you will get a first taste of the original shape of this place and of the abundant flora it holds.
However, do not miss out on a chance to venture along the paths in the company of local guides.
You will then be catapulted in a journey that will bring you back in time; from the origins of the Neolithic village, to the eighteenth century events when the king Ferdinand IV of Bourbon and his wife Caroline were honored when their name was given to the two caves that are full of saltpeter.
The presence of the efflorescence of this material in the caves of Pulo was reported by scientists and local naturalists, but it had an immediate international impact since saltpeter was essential for the production of gunpowder and, in an era that is marked by gunfire, having a natural deposit was a must.
The descent along the sides of the sinkholes is nice and the landscape is able to satisfy the geology, botany, archeology and history lovers. However, the charm of Pulo lies in the difference type of appearances it offers to visitors at any time of the year.
This is due to the presence of a different flora, a consequence of the microclimates that characterize every side of the sinkhole and that favors the flowering of very different species.
Be captivated by the colors and scents, which differ depending on the season; flowers that just bloomed, even in winter, small plants perched on stone walls or attached to the trunks of the largest trees and you may come across a rare, maybe even extremely rare, species that can only be observed in this place.
At the bottom, soft under your shoes and pleasantly moist, you will feel as if you were at the center of the earth; maybe in that Eden that was denied to humanity, full of peace of mind and a coolness that stimulates your appetite.
Take in deep breaths of air because, after seeing the productive structures of the Bourbon factories, it is time to go back and visit the Archaeological Museum of Pulo. Backtrack and follow the indications for the Museum, a few hundred meters ahead.
You will arrive in front of a long street with a cusp gate, behind which you will see the Casina Cappelluti (small Cappelluti House). White, luminous and former Leprosarius of the city, a route that will complete the discovery of Pulo will unwind amongst its rooms.
You can see the findings brought to light during the last excavation and reconstruction campaigns and useful in understanding some of the particular production processes.
One kilometer from Pulo, it is possible to visit the Cava dei Dinosauri (Dinosaur Cave). Going down the state road towards Ruvo di Puglia, after a banquet hall, at the fork, go left while keeping to the right; after around one kilometer, on your left, you will find one of the largest sites with dinosaur footprints.
Herbivorous, carnivorous, some with four feet, in rows that go 10 m inside the caves! At least seven different types of footprints were recognized and proved that these dinosaurs were between half a meter to 15 m tall! Have a great adventure!
an archaeological and
naturalistic itinerary


Gaetano Armenio -

Gaetano Armenio -

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How to arrive
> ''Karol Woityla'' International Airport Bari – Palese
> The main motorway connections A/14 - A/16
> The National Rail System offers you connections from all over Italy

Not to be missed
Where to stay
Where to eat
Guided tour
Road Map
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